Friday, July 3, 2009

It's Chippy Paint Friday!

What a beauty I have in store for you on this continuing segment of Chippy Paint Fridays.

I did a post on my garden gate back in 2008 but I will share it with you again in case you missed it. Years ago, my sister and I went to Boulder City, a historic town, a 20 minute drive from where we live. We went to our favorite quaint shop and I saw this. A vintage chippy paint wrought iron garden gate.

Without any hesitation I told the owner who just happens to be our friend that I was buying the gate, not even knowing the price for it. What I saw was how fabulous this piece was and knew where this would be going in our home. It hangs on the wall in our foyer.

It's rusty and crusty with chippy paint, my favorite combination.

It's sheer beauty demands your attention.

Simply elegant

It truly is the essence of everything that is shabby yet chic.

Thank-you for taking a little time out of your day to pay me a visit, it means the world to me!
From my family to yours, Have a Happy 4th of July, Janice

1 comment:

  1. OHHH I love it!!! Looks Gorgeous where you have homed it!! Very pretty!!
